Our ready to use Tally Add-ons modules save your valuable time , through our ready build solutions controls and restrict the mistakes, helpful to increase the profitability....

Some of our Tally Ready made modules are

User Access control
Fixing security control User Wise transaction type wise access control like allowing transaction type wise cancel, alter, delete, voucher type wise backdated, allow and disallow ledgers... etc...)

Approval System
Providing permission only for creation , and another person for validation and approve the same ( Until approve by the senior person , this entry would not reflect in an accounts and financial reports)

Auto Backup to Local Drive
User can take backup with help of Tally data backup feature, this Auto Backup takes backup and store it in the assigned destination path as per the schedule fixed.

Cost Centre wise Profit & Loss A/c
Cost centre is created to keep a close watch on the various departments in terms of cashflow. Here are some of the key purposes of having a cost centre in a business process: Tally having features to get cost centre wise Income and Expenses, additionally we developed a module Cost Centre wise Profit & Loss A/c

Retail jeweler module
This is developed particularly for Gold / Silver retail jewelry covers all the aspects

Excel to Tally transactions import, Master Import with bill wise details
This is for importing data from excel to Tally like Sales, Purchase, Journal, Payment, Receipt transactions, it will be more helpful for consultants who are looking accounting work. Also useful for Integration between Tally and other software products...

Tally Auto Post entry to avoid mistakes
Usually we have to select Post Dated while making any post date entry in Tally, if users forgot to choose post dated option , it reflects In day book and last date of voucher also get changed , to restrict the human error , our customized module treat post date if the voucher date if feature from the current date.

Restrict duplicate entry of suppliers purchase invoices in Tally
If users received duplicate copies for same purchase invoice and if they entered it by mistakenly multiple times, organization loose the hard earned money, the payment goes twice to the vendor. Our module restrict and not to allow to enter the same document number for the same vendor while entering purchase transactions.

QR Code generation

i)QR Code sticker generation for billing purpose

ii) Printing QR Code in invoice as per principal company norms : Several principal companies are expecting invoices along with QR Code with capturing PO Number, product code, QTY..... principal company update the details through scan our Tally invoice

Variable alternate Qty
Usually if we fixed Alternate unit in Tally , it ask the Qty details against that , Main Unit is bag, alternate Unit is KG, per bag 100 kg.
It may be vary during transaction level , to handle it user can edit the per bag 100 kg .... 99 or 101 during entry based on actual weight.

Negative stock restriction during sales entry

Restrict under cost billing

Auto list of last 5 bill sold price details for the same item to the same vendor

Tracing least price of purchase for the same item with various vendor from the purchase transactions history

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